Looking for a Vet?

Looking for a Vet?


I know it is hard to settle when considering the care of a pet, however we have found a great Veternary Practice in which we reccomend to you; all of our pets are registered here and for those of you who maybe a potential Soykaze pup owner, rest assured this Vet know's the mum of your pup from her being a new 8 week old puppy herself.


From any neccesary visits; yearly booster's upto the Vet check for permission to breed our Dam's and the care during their pregnancy, your pup's birth if required, all the way through to weaning, all our Dog's care will be with Jim McLellan. Your pup will also be Vet checked by Jim prior to it joining your home.


Please be aware that no potential Dam will be put to Stud against Jim McLellan's wishes.


From his reception staff and Nurses to Jim himself, we have no complaints what so ever.